Health Education Specialists Career

For the Health Education Specialists, the average hourly wage is $33.55 and the average annual wage is $69,790. Understand required skills and ability for the career and find right career colleges for it.
Health Education Specialists career

Health Education Specialists

The main tasks and work activities of Health Education Specialists are to maintain social services program records, present social services program information to the public, plan programs to address community health issues, develop working relationships with others to facilitate program activities. In general, for the Health Education Specialists, speaking, writing, active Listening, learning Strategies and other 17 skills are required.

General Job Description and Education/Training Levels for Health Education Specialists

Most of Health Education Specialists occupations require a four-year bachelor's degree, but some do not. 2.60% of Health Education Specialists have High School Diploma (or the equivalent) and 35.23% of Health Education Specialists have Bachelor's Degree and Above. You can check detailed job description, required skiils, activities, and more detailed description at Health Education Specialists tasks, skills, and ability page.
The following graph shows the percentage of earned degrees held by Health Education Specialists occupational group.
Less than a High School Diploma
High School Diploma (or the equivalent)
Post-Secondary Certificate
Some College Courses
Associate's Degree (or other 2-year degree)
Bachelor's Degree and Above

Vocational Programs for Health Education Specialists Career

9 vocational programs are closely related to the Health Education Specialists occupation - Health Communication, Health and Wellness, and 7 more programs. You can check the schools offering the programs with tuition, length of study, and earning information.
A program that focuses on how people, individually and collectively, understand and accommodate to health and illness and the role of communication and media in shaping professional health care messages and public acceptance of these messages. Includes instruction in the development and use of health-related and care-related messages and media; the goals and strategies of health care promotion; relationships, roles, situations, and social structures in the context of health maintenance and promotion; and applications to disease prevention, health advocacy, and communications concerning treatments
A program of study that prepares individuals to assume roles as health/wellness professionals in private business and industry, community organizations, and health care settings. Includes instruction in personal health, community health and welfare, nutrition, epidemiology, disease prevention, fitness and exercise, and health behaviors
Average Program Tuition & Fees: $13,121
Average Program Length: 55 Contact Hours
Average Completion Time: 8.25 Months
A program that focuses on the scientific study of dental disease prevention and control, community dental health promotion, and prepares dentists and public health professionals to function as dental health specialists. Includes instruction in preventive dentistry, the relationship of oral disease to health and quality of life, patient and practitioner behavior, dental epidemiology, nutrition and dental health, dental care policy and delivery, oral health program planning and administration, biostatistics, and research methods
A program that prepares individuals to serve as facilitators, advocates, and referral professionals linking health care and related social services with affected recipient communities. Includes instruction in public and community health, human and social services, health services administration, group counseling, health education, group advocacy, cross-cultural and multilingual communication, and applicable laws and policies
A program that generally prepares individuals to plan, manage, and evaluate public health care services; to function as public health professionals in public agencies, the private sector, and other settings; and to provide leadership in the field of public health. Includes instruction in epidemiology, biostatistics, public health principles, preventive medicine, health policy and regulations, health care services and related administrative functions, public health law enforcement, health economics and budgeting, public communications, and professional standards and ethics
A program that focuses on the application of educational and communications principles and methods to the promotion of preventive health measures and the education of targeted populations on health issues, and prepares individuals to function as public health educators and health promotion specialists. Includes instruction in human development, health issues across the life span, population-specific health issues, principles and methods of public health education, administration of health education campaigns and programs, evaluation methods, public communications, and applications to specific public health subjects and issues
A program that focuses on the application of public health specializations, public policy studies, and the social and behavioral sciences to issues of health affecting women, children, and families; and prepares individuals to function as maternal and child health specialists. Includes instruction in research design and testing, program evaluation, public policy analysis, public finance, economics of health care, community health, family development and dynamics, women's studies, social psychology, fetal and child development, biostatistics, health education and promotion, nutrition, neonatal development, psychology, and social services delivery
A program that focuses on the application of public health specializations, the social and behavioral sciences, and policy and communications methods to the study of health problems in low- and middle-income countries and regions, and prepares individuals to function as professional international health specialists. Includes instruction in health education and promotion, research design and evaluation, infectious disease epidemiology, international health policy and management, public nutrition and food security, information systems, program evaluation, medical anthropology, international communication, behavioral sciences, maternal and child health, demography and population policy, and health care finance and economics
A program that focuses on the biological, behavioral, and socio-cultural determinants of health and health behavior, and the interventions and policies aimed at improving community and population health. Includes instruction in behavioral sciences, public health practice and policy, human services, and research methods

Schools for Health Education Specialists Occupation

No career colleges offer the vocation programs for Health Education Specialists career