Agricultural and Food Scientists Career

For the Agricultural and Food Scientists, the average hourly wage is $39.87 and the average annual wage is $82,930. Explore 3 types of Agricultural and Food Scientists careers and find right career colleges for it.
Agricultural and Food Scientists career

Agricultural and Food Scientists Definition and Average Annual Wage

Agricultural and Food Scientists has the following 3 comprehensive occupations. You can find the detailed information including related career programs, offered schools, and annual age at each occupation's page.

Animal Scientists

Conduct research in the genetics, nutrition, reproduction, growth, and development of domestic farm animals.
Hourly Wage: $43, Annual Wage: $89,450

Food Scientists and Technologists

Use chemistry, microbiology, engineering, and other sciences to study the principles underlying the processing and deterioration of foods; analyze food content to determine levels of vitamins, fat, sugar, and protein; discover new food sources; research ways to make processed foods safe, palatable, and healthful; and apply food science knowledge to determine best ways to process, package, preserve, store, and distribute food.
Hourly Wage: $42, Annual Wage: $88,350

Soil and Plant Scientists

Conduct research in breeding, physiology, production, yield, and management of crops and agricultural plants or trees, shrubs, and nursery stock, their growth in soils, and control of pests; or study the chemical, physical, biological, and mineralogical composition of soils as they relate to plant or crop growth. May classify and map soils and investigate effects of alternative practices on soil and crop productivity.
Hourly Wage: $37, Annual Wage: $77,080