Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Operators and Programmers Career

For the Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Operators and Programmers, the average hourly wage is $25.58 and the average annual wage is $53,200. Explore 2 types of Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Operators and Programmers careers and find right career colleges for it.
Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Operators and Programmers career

Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Operators and Programmers Definition and Average Annual Wage

Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Operators and Programmers has the following 2 comprehensive occupations. You can find the detailed information including related career programs, offered schools, and annual age at each occupation's page.

Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Operators

Operate computer-controlled tools, machines, or robots to machine or process parts, tools, or other work pieces made of metal, plastic, wood, stone, or other materials. May also set up and maintain equipment.
Hourly Wage: $25, Annual Wage: $51,030

Computer Numerically Controlled Tool Programmers

Develop programs to control machining or processing of materials by automatic machine tools, equipment, or systems. May also set up, operate, or maintain equipment.
Hourly Wage: $33, Annual Wage: $67,650