Conservation Scientists and Foresters Career

For the Conservation Scientists and Foresters, the average hourly wage is $34.82 and the average annual wage is $72,430. Explore 2 types of Conservation Scientists and Foresters careers and find right career colleges for it.
Conservation Scientists and Foresters career

Conservation Scientists and Foresters Definition and Average Annual Wage

Conservation Scientists and Foresters has the following 2 comprehensive occupations. You can find the detailed information including related career programs, offered schools, and annual age at each occupation's page.

Conservation Scientists

Manage, improve, and protect natural resources to maximize their use without damaging the environment. May conduct soil surveys and develop plans to eliminate soil erosion or to protect rangelands. May instruct farmers, agricultural production managers, or ranchers in best ways to use crop rotation, contour plowing, or terracing to conserve soil and water; in the number and kind of livestock and forage plants best suited to particular ranges; and in range and farm improvements, such as fencing and reservoirs for stock watering.
Hourly Wage: $35, Annual Wage: $73,160


Manage public and private forested lands for economic, recreational, and conservation purposes. May inventory the type, amount, and location of standing timber, appraise the timber's worth, negotiate the purchase, and draw up contracts for procurement. May determine how to conserve wildlife habitats, creek beds, water quality, and soil stability, and how best to comply with environmental regulations. May devise plans for planting and growing new trees, monitor trees for healthy growth, and determine optimal harvesting schedules.
Hourly Wage: $34, Annual Wage: $70,680