Cutting Workers Career

For the Cutting Workers, the average hourly wage is $21.18 and the average annual wage is $44,050. Explore 2 types of Cutting Workers careers and find right career colleges for it.
Cutting Workers career

Cutting Workers Definition and Average Annual Wage

Cutting Workers has the following 2 comprehensive occupations. You can find the detailed information including related career programs, offered schools, and annual age at each occupation's page.

Cutters and Trimmers, Hand

Use hand tools or hand-held power tools to cut and trim a variety of manufactured items, such as carpet, fabric, stone, glass, or rubber.
Hourly Wage: $19, Annual Wage: $39,260

Cutting and Slicing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders

Set up, operate, or tend machines that cut or slice materials, such as glass, stone, cork, rubber, tobacco, food, paper, or insulating material.
Hourly Wage: $21, Annual Wage: $44,700