Education Administrators, Postsecondary Career

For the Education Administrators, Postsecondary, the average hourly wage is $58.66 and the average annual wage is $122,010. Understand required skills and ability for the career and find right career colleges for it.
Education Administrators, Postsecondary career

Education Administrators, Postsecondary

The main tasks and work activities of Education Administrators, Postsecondary are to recruit personnel, hire personnel, conduct employee training programs, prepare operational budgets. In general, for the Education Administrators, Postsecondary, reading Comprehension, critical Thinking, writing, instructing and other 17 skills are required.

General Job Description and Education/Training Levels for Education Administrators, Postsecondary

Most of Education Administrators, Postsecondary occupations require graduate school. For example, they may require a master's degree, and some require a Ph.D., M.D., or J.D. (law degree). You can check detailed job description, required skiils, activities, and more detailed description at Education Administrators, Postsecondary tasks, skills, and ability page.
The following graph shows the percentage of earned degrees held by Education Administrators, Postsecondary occupational group.
Less than a High School Diploma
High School Diploma (or the equivalent)
Post-Secondary Certificate
Some College Courses
Associate's Degree (or other 2-year degree)
Bachelor's Degree and Above

Vocational Programs for Education Administrators, Postsecondary Career

11 vocational programs are closely related to the Education Administrators, Postsecondary occupation - Educational Leadership and Administration, Educational, Instructional, and Curriculum Supervision, and 9 more programs. You can check the schools offering the programs with tuition, length of study, and earning information.
A program that focuses on the general principles and techniques of administering a wide variety of schools and other educational organizations and facilities, supervising educational personnel at the school or staff level, and that may prepare individuals as general administrators and supervisors
A program that prepares individuals to supervise instructional and support personnel at the school building, facility or staff level. Includes instruction in the principles of staffing and organization, the supervision of learning activities, personnel relations, administrative duties related to departmental or unit management, and specific applications to various educational settings and curricula
A program that focuses on the principles and practice of administration in four-year colleges, universities and higher education systems, the study of higher education as an object of applied research, and which may prepare individuals to function as administrators in such settings. Includes instruction in higher education economics and finance; policy and planning studies; curriculum; faculty and labor relations; higher education law; college student services; research on higher education; institutional research; marketing and promotion; and issues of evaluation, accountability and philosophy
A program that focuses on the principles and techniques of administering community and junior colleges and related postsecondary systems, the study of community and junior colleges as objects of applied research, and that may prepare individuals to function as administrators in such settings. Includes instruction in community and junior college finance; policy and planning studies; curriculum; faculty and labor relations; higher education law; student services; research on community and junior colleges; institutional research; marketing and promotion; and issues of evaluation, accountability and philosophy
A program that prepares individuals for careers as clinical research administrators or clinical research coordinators where they work under the supervision of a Principal Investigator to organize, coordinate and administer clinical research trials. Includes instruction in pharmacology, medical terminology, foundations of clinical research, project management, ethics, research design and data management, and legal and regulatory compliance
A program that prepares registered nurses to teach in academic and clinical settings, including staff development. Includes instruction in advanced nursing practice, nursing role development, curriculum and instruction, program and course design, clinical instruction, and evaluation of learning

Schools for Education Administrators, Postsecondary Occupation

No career colleges offer the vocation programs for Education Administrators, Postsecondary career