Miscellaneous Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians Career

For the Miscellaneous Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians, the average hourly wage is $30.95 and the average annual wage is $64,380. Explore 2 types of Miscellaneous Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians careers and find right career colleges for it.
Miscellaneous Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians career

Miscellaneous Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians Definition and Average Annual Wage

Miscellaneous Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians has the following 2 comprehensive occupations. You can find the detailed information including related career programs, offered schools, and annual age at each occupation's page.

Forensic Science Technicians

Collect, identify, classify, and analyze physical evidence related to criminal investigations. Perform tests on weapons or substances, such as fiber, hair, and tissue to determine significance to investigation. May testify as expert witnesses on evidence or crime laboratory techniques. May serve as specialists in area of expertise, such as ballistics, fingerprinting, handwriting, or biochemistry.
Hourly Wage: $34, Annual Wage: $71,540

Life, Physical, and Social Science Technicians, All Other

All life, physical, and social science technicians not listed separately.
Hourly Wage: $30, Annual Wage: $62,640