Miscellaneous Metal Workers and Plastic Workers Career

For the Miscellaneous Metal Workers and Plastic Workers, the average hourly wage is $22.02 and the average annual wage is $45,800. Explore 5 types of Miscellaneous Metal Workers and Plastic Workers careers and find right career colleges for it.
Miscellaneous Metal Workers and Plastic Workers career

Miscellaneous Metal Workers and Plastic Workers Definition and Average Annual Wage

Miscellaneous Metal Workers and Plastic Workers has the following 5 comprehensive occupations. You can find the detailed information including related career programs, offered schools, and annual age at each occupation's page.

Heat Treating Equipment Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic

Set up, operate, or tend heating equipment, such as heat-treating furnaces, flame-hardening machines, induction machines, soaking pits, or vacuum equipment to temper, harden, anneal, or heat treat metal or plastic objects.
Hourly Wage: $22, Annual Wage: $46,540

Layout Workers, Metal and Plastic

Lay out reference points and dimensions on metal or plastic stock or workpieces, such as sheets, plates, tubes, structural shapes, castings, or machine parts, for further processing. Includes shipfitters.
Hourly Wage: $29, Annual Wage: $60,110

Plating Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders, Metal and Plastic

Set up, operate, or tend plating machines to coat metal or plastic products with chromium, zinc, copper, cadmium, nickel, or other metal to protect or decorate surfaces. Typically, the product being coated is immersed in molten metal or an electrolytic solution.
Hourly Wage: $20, Annual Wage: $42,550

Tool Grinders, Filers, and Sharpeners

Perform precision smoothing, sharpening, polishing, or grinding of metal objects.
Hourly Wage: $23, Annual Wage: $48,520

Metal Workers and Plastic Workers, All Other

All metal workers and plastic workers not listed separately.
Hourly Wage: $22, Annual Wage: $44,780