Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians Career

For the Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians, the average hourly wage is $19.85 and the average annual wage is $41,280. Understand required skills and ability for the career and find right career colleges for it.
Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians career

Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians

The main tasks and work activities of Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians are to repair medical or dental assistive devices, align parts or workpieces to ensure proper assembly, mount materials or workpieces onto production equipment, shape glass or similar materials. In general, for the Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians, operation and Control, time Management, quality Control Analysis, operation Monitoring and other 5 skills are required.

General Job Description and Education/Training Levels for Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians

Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians occupations usually require a high school diploma. 56.40% of Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians have High School Diploma (or the equivalent) and 8.82% of Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians have Post-Secondary Certificate. You can check detailed job description, required skiils, activities, and more detailed description at Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians tasks, skills, and ability page.
The following graph shows the percentage of earned degrees held by Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians occupational group.
Less than a High School Diploma
High School Diploma (or the equivalent)
Post-Secondary Certificate
Some College Courses
Associate's Degree (or other 2-year degree)
Bachelor's Degree and Above

Vocational Programs for Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians Career

1 vocational program is closely related to the Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians occupation - Ophthalmic Laboratory Technology, Technician. You can check the schools offering the programs with tuition, length of study, and earning information.
A program that prepares individuals, under the supervision of ophthalmologists and optometrists, to cut, grind, edge, and finish corrective lenses and to fabricate eyewear. Includes instruction in optical theory, applied mathematics, lens surfacing and finishing, tinting and coating, impact resistance treatment and testing, frame construction and repair, prescription interpretation, equipment operation and maintenance, follow-up adjustment, record-keeping, and laboratory safety procedures

Schools for Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians Occupation

No career colleges offer the vocation programs for Ophthalmic Laboratory Technicians career