Physical Scientists, All Other Career

For the Physical Scientists, All Other, the average hourly wage is $57.24 and the average annual wage is $119,050. Understand required skills and ability for the career and find right career colleges for it.
Physical Scientists, All Other career

Physical Scientists, All Other

The main tasks and work activities of Physical Scientists, All Other are to analyze geological or geographical data, develop technical or scientific databases, prepare scientific or technical reports or presentations, record research or operational data. In general, for the Physical Scientists, All Other, reading Comprehension, critical Thinking, science, writing and other 14 skills are required.

General Job Description and Education/Training Levels for Physical Scientists, All Other

Most of Physical Scientists, All Other occupations require graduate school. For example, they may require a master's degree, and some require a Ph.D., M.D., or J.D. (law degree). You can check detailed job description, required skiils, activities, and more detailed description at Physical Scientists, All Other tasks, skills, and ability page.
The following graph shows the percentage of earned degrees held by Physical Scientists, All Other occupational group.
Less than a High School Diploma
High School Diploma (or the equivalent)
Post-Secondary Certificate
Some College Courses
Associate's Degree (or other 2-year degree)
Bachelor's Degree and Above

Vocational Programs for Physical Scientists, All Other Career

3 vocational programs are closely related to the Physical Scientists, All Other occupation - Natural Sciences, Marine Sciences, and 1 more programs. You can check the schools offering the programs with tuition, length of study, and earning information.
A program with a combined or undifferentiated focus on one or more of the physical and biological sciences
A program that focuses on the study of biology, chemistry, geology and physics applied to marine, estuarine and coastal environments. Includes instruction in marine biogeochemistry, atmosphere and ocean dynamics, coastal ecology, coastal ocean processes, microbial ecology, marine ecosystem modeling, and polar microbiology
Any instructional program in Physical Sciences which is not categorized in sub area

Schools for Physical Scientists, All Other Occupation

No career colleges offer the vocation programs for Physical Scientists, All Other career