Printing Workers Career

For the Printing Workers, the average hourly wage is $21.17 and the average annual wage is $44,030. Explore 3 types of Printing Workers careers and find right career colleges for it.
Printing Workers career

Printing Workers Definition and Average Annual Wage

Printing Workers has the following 3 comprehensive occupations. You can find the detailed information including related career programs, offered schools, and annual age at each occupation's page.

Prepress Technicians and Workers

Format and proof text and images submitted by designers and clients into finished pages that can be printed. Includes digital and photo typesetting. May produce printing plates.
Hourly Wage: $22, Annual Wage: $46,540

Printing Press Operators

Set up and operate digital, letterpress, lithographic, flexographic, gravure, or other printing machines. Includes short-run offset printing presses.
Hourly Wage: $21, Annual Wage: $44,450

Print Binding and Finishing Workers

Bind books and other publications or finish printed products by hand or machine. May set up binding and finishing machines.
Hourly Wage: $20, Annual Wage: $40,860