Surgical Technologists Career

For the Surgical Technologists, the average hourly wage is $29.93 and the average annual wage is $62,250. Understand required skills and ability for the career and find right career colleges for it.
Surgical Technologists career

Surgical Technologists

The main tasks and work activities of Surgical Technologists are to maintain inventory of medical supplies or equipment, assist healthcare practitioners during surgery, maintain sterile operative fields, sterilize medical equipment or instruments. In general, for the Surgical Technologists, monitoring, active Listening, operation Monitoring, critical Thinking and other 15 skills are required.

General Job Description and Education/Training Levels for Surgical Technologists

Most Surgical Technologists occupations in this zone require training in vocational schools, related on-the-job experience, or an associate's degree. 4.98% of Surgical Technologists have High School Diploma (or the equivalent) and 31.22% of Surgical Technologists have Post-Secondary Certificate. You can check detailed job description, required skiils, activities, and more detailed description at Surgical Technologists tasks, skills, and ability page.
The following graph shows the percentage of earned degrees held by Surgical Technologists occupational group.
Less than a High School Diploma
High School Diploma (or the equivalent)
Post-Secondary Certificate
Some College Courses
Associate's Degree (or other 2-year degree)
Bachelor's Degree and Above

Vocational Programs for Surgical Technologists Career

3 vocational programs are closely related to the Surgical Technologists occupation - Pathology, Pathologist Assistant, Surgical Technology, Technologist, and 1 more programs. You can check the schools offering the programs with tuition, length of study, and earning information.
A program that prepares individuals, under the supervision of pathologists, to assist in the performance of autopsies, obtaining and preparing surgical specimens, preparing autopsy reports, and interacting with other clinicians, officials, and individuals. Includes instruction in anatomy; physiology; medical terminology; general, systemic, forensic, and pediatric pathology; autopsy procedures; surgical technique; medical photography; tissue preparation; record keeping and laboratory administration; interpersonal skills; and applicable standards and regulations
A program that prepares individuals, under the supervision of physicians and surgical nurses, to maintain, monitor, and enforce the sterile field and adherence to aseptic technique by preoperative, surgical team, and postoperative personnel. Includes instruction in instrument and equipment sterilization and handling, surgical supplies management, wound exposure and closure, surgical computer and robot operation and monitoring, maintenance of hemostasis, and patient and team scrubbing
Average Program Tuition & Fees: $28,401
Average Program Length: 463 Contact Hours
Average Completion Time: 16.86 Months
A program that prepares individuals to clean, sterilize, and assemble surgical instruments, equipment, and supplies for use in operating rooms and other medical and surgical facilities. Includes instruction in sterilization; infection control; decontamination; and surgical instrumentation processing, distribution, and record-keeping
Average Program Tuition & Fees: $14,770
Average Program Length: 362 Contact Hours
Average Completion Time: 9.14 Months

Schools for Surgical Technologists Occupation

The following schools offer the vocational programs and courses for preparing Surgical Technologists. The list includes some 4-year colleges that have certificate or associate programs for the career.
Aberdeen, SD

Private, 4 years, Offering 30 programs to 615 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $22,765
Citrus Heights, CA

Private, 2-4 years, Offering 4 programs to 34 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $19,918