Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Workers Career

For the Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Workers, the average hourly wage is $25.12 and the average annual wage is $52,240. Explore 2 types of Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Workers careers and find right career colleges for it.
Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Workers career

Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Workers Definition and Average Annual Wage

Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Workers has the following 2 comprehensive occupations. You can find the detailed information including related career programs, offered schools, and annual age at each occupation's page.

Welders, Cutters, Solderers, and Brazers

Use hand-welding, flame-cutting, hand-soldering, or brazing equipment to weld or join metal components or to fill holes, indentations, or seams of fabricated metal products.
Hourly Wage: $25, Annual Wage: $52,640

Welding, Soldering, and Brazing Machine Setters, Operators, and Tenders

Set up, operate, or tend welding, soldering, or brazing machines or robots that weld, braze, solder, or heat treat metal products, components, or assemblies. Includes workers who operate laser cutters or laser-beam machines.
Hourly Wage: $23, Annual Wage: $47,120