Comparison between Southeastern School of Cosmetology to Similar Trade Schools

Comparison between Southeastern School of Cosmetology and Similar Trade Schools

Southeastern School of Cosmetology was a Private, Less than 2 years school located in Birmingham, AL.
Instead, below, you can check similar schools that have similar programs and close location to Southeastern School of Cosmetology.
The following table compares Southeastern School of Cosmetology to 1 similar schools in Alabama. Those schools have similar degree/certificate programs and offering same or similar career/vocational programs. The 2023 average tuition at the schools is $15,564 and the average financial aid amount is $4,283.
Comparison between Southeastern School of Cosmetology and Similar Schools
NameTuition & FeesFinancial AidPopulationNumber of Vocational ProgramsLess than 1 Year Certificate1-2 Years Certificate4-Years Certificate
Southeastern School of CosmetologyPrivate, Less than 2 yearsBirmingham, ALThe schools was closed. Find and compare similar schools below.
Fortis College-FoleyPrivate, Less than 2 yearsFoley, AL $15,564 $4,283 20 2 Programs- 2 programs -
Average$15,564 $4,283 20 2 programs ---