Medical, Clinical Assistant Vocational Program

In United States, 40 colleges offer certificate or associate degree for Medical, Clinical Assistant vocational program. The 2023 average tuition & fees of the program is $16,239. The average annual salary after completing the program is $88,895.
Medical, Clinical Assistant vocational programs.

2023 Average Tuition for Medical, Clinical Assistant Career Programs

Total 40 colleges offer the Medical, Clinical Assistant programs in certificate program and associate level. 8 four-year colleges have the program for certificate or associate degree and 10 vocational or trade schools (i.e. less than 2-years schools) offer the career program.
The 2023 average Medical, Clinical Assistant tuition & fees is $16,239. The average amount is based on the tuition at less than 2-years colleges. The average contact hour for the programs is 318 hours and the average completion time is 9.35 months.
Medical, Clinical Assistant Career Programs
2023 Tuition & Fees$16,239
Books & Supplies Cost$902
Length of Program318 Contact Hours
Completion Time9.35 Months
(37 Weeks)

Career Path and Average Salary by Occupation after Completing Medical, Clinical Assistant Program

The following table lists the 2 possible occupations after earning a Medical, Clinical Assistant certificate or degree. For the occupations, you may need an advanced degree such as bachelor's or master's.
The median annual wage over the occupations related to the Medical, Clinical Assistant is $88,895 and hourly rate is $10.42. The median wage is based on the employment and wage data from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
Average Salary by Occupation after Completing Medical, Clinical Assistant Program
Occupation/Job TitleHourly WageAnnul Wage
Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary-$134,440
Medical Assistants$20.84$43,350

What is Medical, Clinical Assistant Program?

Medical, Clinical Assistant is A program that prepares individuals, under the supervision of physicians, to provide medical office administrative services and perform clinical duties including patient intake and care, routine diagnostic and recording procedures, pre-examination and examination assistance, and the administration of medications and first aid. Includes instruction in basic anatomy and physiology; medical terminology; medical law and ethics; patient psychology and communications; medical office procedures; and clinical diagnostic, examination, testing, and treatment procedures.

Schools Offering Medical, Clinical Assistant Vocational Program

The following schools offer the vocational programs and courses of Medical, Clinical Assistant. The list includes some 4-year colleges that have certificate or associate Medical, Clinical Assistant program.
Little Rock, AR

Private, Less than 2 years, Offering 2 programs to 62 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $12,000
Enfield, CT

Public, 2-4 years, Offering 41 programs to 1,264 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $14,172
Bridgeport, CT

Public, 2-4 years, Offering 63 programs to 3,364 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $14,140
Norwich, CT

Public, 2-4 years, Offering 55 programs to 2,937 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $14,220
Norwalk, CT

Public, 2-4 years, Offering 59 programs to 4,069 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $14,172
Winsted, CT

Public, 2-4 years, Offering 48 programs to 1,149 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $14,172
Danielson, CT

Public, 2-4 years, Offering 50 programs to 1,195 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $14,220
West Haven, CT

Private, 2-4 years, Offering 3 programs to 566 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $30,625
Tampa, FL

Private, Less than 2 years, Offering 8 programs to 211 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $15,316
Boston, MA

Private, 4 years, Offering 19 programs to 224 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $29,500