Soil Science and Agronomy Vocational Program

In United States, 1 colleges offer certificate or associate degree for Soil Science and Agronomy vocational program. The average annual salary after completing the program is $66,578.
Soil Science and Agronomy vocational programs.

Career Path and Average Salary by Occupation after Completing Soil Science and Agronomy Program

The following table lists the 4 possible occupations after earning a Soil Science and Agronomy certificate or degree. For the occupations, you may need an advanced degree such as bachelor's or master's.
The median annual wage over the occupations related to the Soil Science and Agronomy is $66,578 and hourly rate is $20.52. The median wage is based on the employment and wage data from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
Average Salary by Occupation after Completing Soil Science and Agronomy Program
Occupation/Job TitleHourly WageAnnul Wage
Agricultural Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary-$95,610
Soil and Plant Scientists$37.06$77,080
Agricultural Technicians$22.50$46,810
Precision Agriculture Technicians$22.50$46,810

What is Soil Science and Agronomy Program?

Soil Science and Agronomy is A program that generally focuses on the scientific classification of soils, soil properties, and their relationship to agricultural crops. Includes instruction in soil chemistry, soil physics, soil biology, soil fertility, morphogenesis, mineralogy, hydrology, agronomy, and soil conservation and management.

Schools Offering Soil Science and Agronomy Vocational Program

The following schools offer the vocational programs and courses of Soil Science and Agronomy. The list includes some 4-year colleges that have certificate or associate Soil Science and Agronomy program.
Covington, TN

Public, 2-4 years, Offering 23 programs to 396 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $5,344