Administrative Services and Facilities Managers Career

For the Administrative Services and Facilities Managers, the average hourly wage is $56.56 and the average annual wage is $117,650. Explore 2 types of Administrative Services and Facilities Managers careers and find right career colleges for it.
Administrative Services and Facilities Managers career

Administrative Services and Facilities Managers Definition and Average Annual Wage

Administrative Services and Facilities Managers has the following 2 comprehensive occupations. You can find the detailed information including related career programs, offered schools, and annual age at each occupation's page.

Administrative Services Managers

Plan, direct, or coordinate one or more administrative services of an organization, such as records and information management, mail distribution, and other office support services.
Hourly Wage: $58, Annual Wage: $121,200

Facilities Managers

Plan, direct, or coordinate operations and functionalities of facilities and buildings. May include surrounding grounds or multiple facilities of an organization's campus.
Hourly Wage: $53, Annual Wage: $111,110