Counter and Rental Clerks and Parts Salespersons Career

For the Counter and Rental Clerks and Parts Salespersons, the average hourly wage is $19.91 and the average annual wage is $41,410. Explore 2 types of Counter and Rental Clerks and Parts Salespersons careers and find right career colleges for it.
Counter and Rental Clerks and Parts Salespersons career

Counter and Rental Clerks and Parts Salespersons Definition and Average Annual Wage

Counter and Rental Clerks and Parts Salespersons has the following 2 comprehensive occupations. You can find the detailed information including related career programs, offered schools, and annual age at each occupation's page.

Counter and Rental Clerks

Receive orders, generally in person, for repairs, rentals, and services. May describe available options, compute cost, and accept payment.
Hourly Wage: $20, Annual Wage: $41,630

Parts Salespersons

Sell spare and replacement parts and equipment in repair shop or parts store.
Hourly Wage: $20, Annual Wage: $41,080