Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary Career

For the Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary, the average annual wage is $89,630. Understand required skills and ability for the career and find right career colleges for it.
Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary career

Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary

The main tasks and work activities of Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary are to evaluate student work, guide class discussions, teach social science courses at the college level, develop instructional materials. In general, for the Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary, speaking, reading Comprehension, instructing, learning Strategies and other 13 skills are required.

General Job Description and Education/Training Levels for Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary

Most of Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary occupations require graduate school. For example, they may require a master's degree, and some require a Ph.D., M.D., or J.D. (law degree). You can check detailed job description, required skiils, activities, and more detailed description at Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary tasks, skills, and ability page.
The following graph shows the percentage of earned degrees held by Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary occupational group.
Less than a High School Diploma
High School Diploma (or the equivalent)
Post-Secondary Certificate
Some College Courses
Associate's Degree (or other 2-year degree)
Bachelor's Degree and Above

Vocational Programs for Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary Career

23 vocational programs are closely related to the Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary occupation - Family and Consumer Sciences, Home Economics Teacher Education, Family and Consumer Sciences, Human Sciences, and 21 more programs. You can check the schools offering the programs with tuition, length of study, and earning information.
A program that prepares individuals to teach vocational home economics programs at various educational levels
A general program that focuses on family and consumer sciences, including how individuals develop and function in family, work, and community settings and how they relate to their physical, social, emotional, and intellectual environments
Average Program Length: 572 Contact Hours
Average Completion Time: 9 Months
A program that focuses on the relationship between the economy and the consuming individual and family. Includes instruction in consumption theory and practice, the production and distribution of retail goods and services, and the management of business enterprises
A program that focuses on communication of human sciences subject matter and related consumer information to a variety of audiences through print and non-print media
Any instructional program in Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Business Services which is not categorized in sub area
A general program that focuses on the design and implementation of policies and processes contributing to successful individual and family resource management. Includes instruction in financial goal-setting and strategies; household income, assets, and debt management; preventing and resolving financial difficulties; and the use of relevant public resources
A program that focuses on the application of micro- and macro-economic theory to consumer behavior and individual and family consumption of goods and services. Includes instruction in modeling, economic forecasting, indexing, price theory, and analysis of individual commodities and services and/or groups of related commodities and services
A program that focuses on providing end-use advice and representational services to individuals and groups within a variety of settings, and the analytical and research techniques needed to protect consumers from unsafe, unreliable, and/or unhealthy products and services. Includes instruction in consumer advocacy, family management systems, ecological impacts of consumption practices, and analyzing and testing product quality and safety
Any instructional program in Family and Consumer Economics and Related Services which is not categorized in sub area
A general program that focuses on the role of foods and nutrition in human health and wellness. Includes instruction in nutritional care and education, the planning and provision of food services, the development of consumable food products, life-span nutrition and wellness, the principles of nutritional assessment, and food safety and food composition
A program that focuses on the relationships between food consumption and human development and health. Includes instruction in the cellular and molecular processes of food processing in the human body, related metabolic processes, the relationship of food and nutrition to disease, and nutritional needs across the life span
A program that focuses on the principles and practices relating to the administration of food service systems in institutional settings, and that prepares individuals to manage such operations in public and private facilities. Includes instruction in human nutrition, food safety, the design and organization of food service systems, purchasing, personnel management, and related business practices
Any instructional program in Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services which is not categorized in sub area
A general program that focuses on the behavioral, social, economic, functional, and aesthetic aspects of housing, interiors, and other built environments. Includes instruction in analyzing, planning, designing, furnishing, and equipping residential, work, and leisure spaces to meet user needs and the study of related public policies
A general program that focuses on basic human developmental and behavioral characteristics of the individual within the context of the family. Includes instruction in the conditions that influence human growth and development; strategies that promote growth and development across the life span; and the study of family systems
A program that focuses on the characteristics of aging populations and the needs of older individuals in family and institutional settings. Includes instruction in the biological and psychological stages of aging; the provision of dependent care; serving the social, economic, and psychological needs of aging adults; related public policy issues; and adult community resources
A program that focuses on the family as a social unit in its developmental, dynamic, comparative, and structural aspects, and the significance of the family as a system that impacts individuals and society. Includes instruction in related principles of sociology, psychology, behavioral sciences, and the humanities
A program that focuses on the intellectual, social, emotional, and biological development of children and the planning and design of related human services. Includes instruction in parent-child relations, parenting practices, special needs of children, parental and environmental influences on child development, external support services, and related public policy issues
A program that focuses on the provision and management of child care services and that prepares individuals to plan, design, and manage child care facilities and programs that meet children's developmental needs and interests and that provide safe and healthy environments. Includes instruction in child development and psychology; home- and institution-based child care; identification of diseases, injuries, and psychological trauma and applicable referrals; parent relations; personnel and business management principles; and related laws and policies
Average Program Length: 600 Contact Hours
Average Completion Time: 6 Months
A general program that focuses on the development of textile products and their distribution and use in terms of the psychological, social, economic, and physical needs of consumers. Includes instruction in the production, distribution, marketing, and end use of various apparel and textile products
Average Program Length: 28 Contact Hours
Average Completion Time: 8 Months
A program that focuses on the design, development, and production of textile products and related processes and systems. Includes instruction in functional and aesthetic design, human factors research, production planning, manufacturing processes, quality assessment, and distribution systems
Average Program Tuition & Fees: $9,683
Average Program Length: 1,200 Contact Hours
Average Completion Time: 12 Months
A program that focuses on the properties and processing of fibers, yarns, whole fabrics, dyes, and finishes, both natural and synthetic. Includes instruction in the chemical and physical properties of textile materials; end-use analysis; interior furnishing applications; and industrial applications
A scientific program that focuses on the utilization of food for human growth and metabolism, in both normal and dysfunctional states, from the interdisciplinary perspective of the agricultural, human, biological, and biomedical sciences. Includes instruction in food science, biochemistry, physiology, dietetics, food and nutrition studies, biotechnology, biophysics, and the clinical sciences
Average Program Length: 40 Contact Hours
Average Completion Time: 14 Months

Schools for Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary Occupation

The following schools offer the vocational programs and courses for preparing Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary. The list includes some 4-year colleges that have certificate or associate programs for the career.
New Haven, CT

Public, 2-4 years, Offering 99 programs to 5,578 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $14,140
Waterbury, CT

Public, 2-4 years, Offering 80 programs to 4,554 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $14,140
Norwalk, CT

Public, 2-4 years, Offering 59 programs to 4,069 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $14,172
Bridgeport, CT

Public, 2-4 years, Offering 63 programs to 3,364 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $14,140
Farmington, CT

Public, 2-4 years, Offering 56 programs to 3,267 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $14,220
Knoxville, TN

Private, 4 years, Offering 5 programs to 71 enrolled students and its average tuition & fees is $8,242