Fishing and Hunting Workers Career

Fishing and Hunting Workers career

Vocational Programs for Fishing and Hunting Workers Career

1 vocational program is closely related to the Fishing and Hunting Workers occupation - Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management. You can check the schools offering the programs with tuition, length of study, and earning information.
A program that focuses on the scientific study of the husbandry and production of non-domesticated fish and shellfish populations for recreational and commercial purposes and the management of fishing and marine/aquatic product processing to ensure adequate conservation and efficient utilization. Includes instruction in the principles of marine/aquatic biology, freshwater and saltwater ecosystems, water resources, fishing production operations and management, fishing policy and regulation, and the management of recreational and commercial fishing activities

Schools for Fishing and Hunting Workers Occupation

No career colleges offer the vocation programs for Fishing and Hunting Workers career