Miscellaneous Healthcare Diagnosing or Treating Practitioners Career

For the Miscellaneous Healthcare Diagnosing or Treating Practitioners, the average hourly wage is $45.13 and the average annual wage is $93,870. Explore 3 types of Miscellaneous Healthcare Diagnosing or Treating Practitioners careers and find right career colleges for it.
Miscellaneous Healthcare Diagnosing or Treating Practitioners career

Miscellaneous Healthcare Diagnosing or Treating Practitioners Definition and Average Annual Wage

Miscellaneous Healthcare Diagnosing or Treating Practitioners has the following 3 comprehensive occupations. You can find the detailed information including related career programs, offered schools, and annual age at each occupation's page.


Diagnose, treat, and prevent disorders by stimulating specific acupuncture points within the body using acupuncture needles. May also use cups, nutritional supplements, therapeutic massage, acupressure, and other alternative health therapies.
Hourly Wage: $41, Annual Wage: $84,260

Dental Hygienists

Administer oral hygiene care to patients. Assess patient oral hygiene problems or needs and maintain health records. Advise patients on oral health maintenance and disease prevention. May provide advanced care such as providing fluoride treatment or administering topical anesthesia.
Hourly Wage: $43, Annual Wage: $89,890

Healthcare Diagnosing or Treating Practitioners, All Other

All healthcare diagnosing or treating practitioners not listed separately.
Hourly Wage: $60, Annual Wage: $123,840