Miscellaneous Food Processing Workers Career

For the Miscellaneous Food Processing Workers, the average hourly wage is $19.30 and the average annual wage is $40,140. Explore 4 types of Miscellaneous Food Processing Workers careers and find right career colleges for it.
Miscellaneous Food Processing Workers career

Miscellaneous Food Processing Workers Definition and Average Annual Wage

Miscellaneous Food Processing Workers has the following 4 comprehensive occupations. You can find the detailed information including related career programs, offered schools, and annual age at each occupation's page.

Food and Tobacco Roasting, Baking, and Drying Machine Operators and Tenders

Operate or tend food or tobacco roasting, baking, or drying equipment, including hearth ovens, kiln driers, roasters, char kilns, and vacuum drying equipment.
Hourly Wage: $20, Annual Wage: $42,410

Food Batchmakers

Set up and operate equipment that mixes or blends ingredients used in the manufacturing of food products. Includes candy makers and cheese makers.
Hourly Wage: $20, Annual Wage: $40,890

Food Cooking Machine Operators and Tenders

Operate or tend cooking equipment, such as steam cooking vats, deep fry cookers, pressure cookers, kettles, and boilers, to prepare food products.
Hourly Wage: $19, Annual Wage: $39,770

Food Processing Workers, All Other

All food processing workers not listed separately.
Hourly Wage: $18, Annual Wage: $37,630